Our Mission

Our aim is to awaken you to the true power you hold within. We all have magic inside of us that is waiting to be accessed. When we release our fears, limiting beliefs, outdated patterns and behaviours, and heal our own wounds, we are able to connect to a higher state of consciousness and one-ness with self and others. In order to be fully whole in this lifetime we need to love all parts of ourselves, even the parts we don’t particularly like, the parts we hide in the shadows. By integrating our darkness and our light, and by forgiving ourselves and others, we are able to return to a place of neutrality, compassion and Gratitude. We raise our vibration and take back our power by mastering our thoughts and emotions and taking full responsibility for our lives. Our dream is to aid in creating a world of unity consciousness, joy, freedom and of course the most powerful ingredient of all unconditional love and kindness.
Meet The Conscious Heart Warriors
Jessica Hart
About Jessica
My connection to the spirit world has been with me since I was a child. I always had a deep knowing that there was so much more to this reality than we were led to believe. I joined a mediumship development circle in my early twenties, in which I was taught how to connect to my Spirit Team and how to bring back messages from people who had passed over to the other side.
My strongest sense is clairvoyance, which means that I am able to see visions with my third eye. Over the years, I built up a strong bond with my Spirit Team. They are like my family and are always there when I need them. One evening, whilst connected to my team, I was told that I was about to go on a deep spiritual journey. They told me that I would be diagnosed with cancer but that everything would be okay, and that they would guide me every step of the way. Lo and behold, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer a few months later in 2012. During my operation for a partial thyroidectomy, the surgeons accidentally cut through my vocal cord which left me with barely a whisper for a voice. Following the operation I had a meeting with my surgeon. He explained that there was a strong possibility that my voice would never return, due to the accident.
And this is where it all began.
I was mentored by my guides on how to heal myself though visualisation, meditation and a reprogramming of my thoughts. They taught me the art of listening and going within for all my answers. A few months after the operation, my team told me to come off my medication Thyroxine, one which I was supposed to take for the rest of my life. The doctor looked very blank and puzzled when I told him this. He was against it, but he respected my wishes. Three months later I had a blood test to check my levels and they were within the normal range, just as my guide had predicted. As the months passed, my knowledge and connection to Spirit grew and, eventually, my voice fully returned. This was when I knew that I needed to share my new-found knowledge, in order to give others, the tools for taking responsibility for their own health and well-being.
We are all far more powerful than we are led to believe. We each have the ability to heal ourselves with the right type of education and dedication. It is our mission to help people take back their power and become the healthiest, happiest version of themselves.
Jessica's Background
I have worked within a hospital or healthcare-based environment since I was seventeen years old. I am a qualified nurse and my speciality was palliative care. I was working as a palliative care nurse in a hospice in 2021 when my spirit guides gave me a loud and clear message that, in the near future, I would become a community death doula. This is a person who assists in the dying process, much like a midwife or doula would in the birthing process. From that point on, I started to gather information about this work and I even went to see another death doula for some advice as I had absolutely no idea that such a position even existed.
Little did I know that my first experience in this role would be with my best friend and soul sister, Louise. She was a fellow nurse and an avid freedom fighter. She was sadly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2021.
One evening, Louise’s astral body came to visit me in a vision. She told me that she was going to pass over and that she would need my assistance in her transition. This was one message that I was not ready to receive. It took me some time to process this information and to get my head around it all. With my deep knowing, I was able to help Louise come to terms with death and, together, we were able to get all of her affairs in order so that her four children would be taken care of after she had left this world. I was fully guided in the entire process and, with the help of her two older boys, her parents and a few of her closest friends, we were able to give Louise the most profound transition into the spirit world. Her dying process took three days overall and she finally passed away, peacefully, in the comfort of her own home, with myself and her beloved family members holding her hand by her bedside.
Louise taught me the true meaning of graceful endings and new beginnings. When she died something was birthed within me. Louise held the same vision as Lyndsey, myself and our tribe, we had dreamed of building a new world for ourselves and others. One which we would all create together. After the death of Louise, I decided to leave my role as a palliative care nurse so that I could pour all of my energy into the exciting project that Lyndsey and I are now creating.
We are essentially gatekeepers, opening doors to show people who there really are and the power that they each hold within.
I have attained my Reiki Level 1, Level 2, Masters and Teachers Training qualification, Munay ki, 13th rite of the womb, I have sat in mediumship development circles and I am a shamanic practitioner. Fundamentally, I am a natural healer and a clear channel for spirit. My truest guidance is from my own inner light, the divine wisdom that resides in each and every one of us.
Lyndsey Ollard
About Lyndsey
As a child I was extremely connected to the spirit world and found myself instinctively intrigued by magic, nature, and anything mystical. I loved being outside connected to momma earth. I always loved singing and dancing, acting, anything that inspired me to be creative and express myself.
At the raw age fourteen years old my parents separated and I didn’t realise at the time what a huge impact it had on my life. I became very lonely and unsafe, I began to experience deep depression and anxiety. I encountered a lot of personal traumas and found myself living in perpetual fear, of judgement and not being accepted.
Life began to feel less safe. Being highly sensitive, I had to stop watching the news and certain films and television programs as they would tend to negatively affect my thoughts and emotions. I was incredibly sensitive to my environment and felt constantly overwhelmed. As a result of dealing with this, in combination with the personal struggles my nervous system began to move into a state of permanent hyper-vigilance, and I found myself living in “survival mode” all the time. “Fight or Flight” became my new ‘default setting’.
Alcohol, consumerism, and competition seemed to be a standard way of life, and yet I was craving unconditional love, connection, and freedom.
When I left school at the age of 16, I joined a girl band. Singing was something that used to fill me with joy, however I realised in a short time that I didn’t have any creative autonomy. I felt like I was dragged into a vortex where every decision was made for me. I decided to leave the band and go to college. I started to close off from my heart and was trapped within the prison of my own mind, controlled by the fear of what others would think.
I started searching externally for someone to love me, look after me, and essentially “fix” me. After years of battling from addictions, eating disorders and mental health issues, and realising that no knight on a white horse in shining armour was going to swoop in and rescue me like they do in the fairytales, I began a sacred journey and started to really heal myself from within.
I decided to save myself and prioritise Me as the most important relationship in my life. I decided to become my own ‘superhero’ after finally realising that the only person holding me back this entire time was, in fact, me.
I made a conscious choice to take back control over my life, my mind, and my emotions. I began shedding all the conditioned parts of myself and all the limited beliefs I had put on myself, and discovered something magical. I let go of feeling powerless and being stuck in a cycle of victim consciousness. After delving deep into healing my ‘inner child’ and pulling back those lost parts of my soul, I began finally accepting and forgiving both myself and others.
Stepping onto the Shamanic Medicine Wheel and breathwork was the beginning of a beautiful journey back home to my heart. Shedding, releasing, and healing those wounded parts that were preventing me from living a free and healthy life.
I let go of all the bad habits, thoughts and behaviours that had held me back for so long and began to take responsibility for myself and my own energy. I gained some deep wisdom about the Mind-Body and our emotions, and allowed myself to return to a place of balance, non-judgment, unconditional love, and acceptance.
This profound journey led me towards other people who shared the same vision as myself… my fellow Conscious Heart Warriors. Our aim is to bring you back into alignment, connect to yourself and shift you out of victimhood into a place of empowerment, acceptance, and self-love.
The sooner I learnt to take responsibility for myself and my energy and stop apportioning blame on external forces, the sooner I stepped back into my personal power. I learnt to see everyone as a reflection of myself. My triggers are my greatest teachers as they reveal what I need to heal within. When I started healing my wounds, I was able to come back to a place of unconditional love, which has deepened my relationship with self and others.
This is how we heal the world: Raising our consciousness from fear to love and passing that knowledge and wisdom onto others.
Lyndsey's Background
I am certified in Reiki, 1, 2, and Masters, Crystal healing, Reiki drum, Angel therapy, Conscious Connected Breathwork facilitator, Munay ki, the 13th rite of the Womb-Munay ki, Sound healing, and the Shamanic Medicine Wheel. It’s an honour to work alongside spirit in this lifetime sharing the ancient wisdom that lies within each and every one of us. We have always had the power we just need to remember how to access it. The magic of this work is you come back to the realisation that every answer to every question lies within our own heart.
During my life I have tried my hands at many things from singing, to being a makeup artist, macrame and crystal necklaces, TV work, hospitality and delivering inspirational talks in schools and explaining the effects of drugs and alcohol. I did a programme with the Amy Winehouse foundation on delivering talks on life stories.
In my 20’s I was fortunate to spend over 3 years in Australia. It was here I really dived deep into myself and my journey back to the heart. I embarked on a 10-day silent meditation retreat called Vipassana. This experience was extremely transformational for me. It was here I truly felt present, connected, and centred. I become aware of my consciousness/higher self. I felt connected and in tune with my body. This experience changed my life, and I would highly recommend anyone to try it.
During this journey we lost our dear friend Louise. She taught me so much about the process of life and death. Her transition into the spirit world was so beautiful. We created a ceremony space for her passing, and Louise was surrounded by friends and family who had nothing but love for her. It was an honour to be a part of that whole experience and it has deepened my sense of trust in everything and in life itself.