Baby Blessing Ceremonies

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Ceremony Itinerary

  • Cacao ceremony and intention setting
  • Grounding meditation
  • Birthing prayer beads
  • Manifesting despacho
  • Sacred fire ceremony

We have created a unique baby blessing experience. We will join together in our divine feminine energy to give blessings and bring words of wisdom to honor the transition into motherhood. It’s a chance for everyone to send loving wishes and intentions for the safe arrival of the new baby.

We will open the space with a heart-opening cacao ceremony where we will set positive intentions for ourselves. We will then do a gentle grounding meditation and sound healing connecting us all together as the divine feminine.

We have created a birthing necklace. This is a blessing where we all take a bead and blow loving intentions and positive wishes for the mother and baby.

We will continue to bless the mother baby and family with a beautiful despacho which is a Peruvian tradition brought down from high in the Andean mountains, a despacho is a ceremonial offering of our intentions and prayers to Pachamama (Mother Earth), and the Apus (Mountain Spirits). In the spirit of Ayni (meaning reciprocity), it’s about being in harmony with nature, and giving an offering in order to receive; a powerful and lovely way to “dispatch” our prayers to the powers that be.

We will end the day with a sacred fire to offer the despacho with non-attachment, trusting that our prayers and wishes will be heard and granted by great spirit.

Other Information

Who is this for? Everyone!
Price £650
Duration 4 hours

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