Teen and Young Adults Energy Healing and Breathwork Ceremonies

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Angle cards and candle set out ready for Heal to Manifest day retreat


Ceremony Itinerary

  • Meditation
  • Cacao ceremony
  • Sharing circle
  • Oracle card wisdom
  • Breathwork
  • Energy healing
  • Sound healing
  • Closing sharing circle

We would like to offer out our support to teenagers and young adults. Social engineering has most of our younger generation judging themselves on how many likes they receive on social media. Often looking for outside validation for their own self-worth. We live in a reality where individuality seems to be frowned upon. We believe in freedom of expression, and we have the tools to be able to help our younger generation take back control of their own lives and happiness. 

We would prefer participants to be dropped off to join the ceremony on their own so that they are able to share freely, but also happy for parents to stay if it makes them feel more comfortable. Consent will be required from the legal guardian of anyone under the age of 18 years old. 

These ceremonies are completely confidential. However, if someone discloses something that we feel may put them at risk or others, we would be obliged to report this information, keeping in line with the 1989 Children Act. This will be made clear at the beginning of the share. 

Jessica is a qualified nurse. Lyndsey is a part of the Amy Winehouse programme, trauma informed and works closely with a company called KIP education delivering talks on emotional wellbeing and health in secondary schools across the UK. Both are DBS checked.  

This will be a powerful ceremony of personal transformation and a time to release anything that no longer serves your highest good or the highest good of all. True planetary healing ultimately begins with ourselves – the loving process of healing any parts within that are wounded and thus returning to a place of acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion.

We will start the ceremony with a guided mediation to open ourselves up to our higher consciousness and to ground our energy into the core of Mother Earth. Whilst doing this we will working with cacao a beautiful heart opening medicine, to set positive intentions for what we would like to bring into our lives alongside connecting everyone through their heart centres. We will then move into a group share; this is an opportunity for you to be heard without judgement and to express yourself and your inner feelings without any filters. Profound healing can occur when we are honest with ourselves and feel safe to be seen in our vulnerability. The power of sharing helps bring emotions up to the surface which facilitates a deeper healing experience during the breathwork.

During the breathwork ceremony we will be channelling energy healing to enable you to let go whilst being held in a safe and sacred space. We will use a beautiful playlist of music, instruments and our voices to take you on a journey back to your heart.  

Through conscious, connected breathing we enter into an altered state of consciousness and are able to awaken to the true power that we hold within. Our breath bridges the gap between the conscious/subconscious mind and the body. The body remembers what the mind forgets, so any unresolved traumas or emotional wounding is stored within the body and energy field. Through breathwork we create a safe and sacred space for these energies to surface in order to be fully felt and released. Once the release has occurred, we are able to then return to a place of homeostasis and inner peace. We will finish off the ceremony with a closing sharing circle.

How can Breathwork help me?

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Helps process grief
  • Aids the art of forgiveness
  • Increases energy and boosts immunity
  • Lowers blood pressure and improves circulation
  • Helps manage pain
  • Strengthens lung capacity
  • Improves mood and self esteem
  • Releases toxins
  • Improves sleep
  • Helps manage depression
  • Regulates the nervous system
  • Helps heal trauma and PTSD
  • Improves digestion
  • Increases muscle tone
  • Helps overcome addictions
  • Helps reach higher states of consciousness
  • Helps aid concentration

Other Information

Who is this for? Teens and young adults
Price £40
Duration 3 hours

Still Have Questions?

See our FAQs page or feel free to get in touch.